Monday, November 17, 2008

The Two Week Freak

So the two week freak isn't limited to just two weeks before surgery I am finding out, in fact it seems to escalate as you get closer to the date.

I had a great week in Toronto last week, and luckily have some spillover work to get done in the next couple of days, not too mention things around the house that need doing before "the big day". I am hoping I can keep myself occupied and the old mind busy enough to not think about it too much beforehand.

So my wife has decided, after talking to my mom, that it might be better for her to get a hotel near Barix Wednesday night and stay over. I tend to agree as I don't want her driving home in the dark from so far away. If all goes well, fingers crossed, I will be home again sometime Thursday, probably towards evening I would imagine as my surgery start time is so late in the day.

I made a shake this morning using Matrix 5.0 Vanilla(available at Barix and probably GNC) and I have to say it wasn't too bad. I am not a huge vanilla fan but I added some frozen strawberries to a scoop of the protein powder, the milk and tossed it in the magic bullet for a few seconds. Taste was pretty good, very smooth compared to any other protein powders that I have tried to date. Of course you still have that "taste" to get used to, not sure if I ever really will, but I'm gonna try.

I may or may not post tomorrow, not sure what is happening, I may try and spend a good portion of the day at the gym, walking and swimming, just trying to keep my mind occupied, so we'll see.


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