Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today is the day

I wasn't originally planning on posting today but thought, since I was awake, and awake a good while at that, I would post a little something.

I got a phone call last night from my mom, at first I thought she was just calling to wish me luck before today but it turned into more than that. My uncle passed away yesterday from a percieved heart attack. It is a blow to our family and to me personally as he has been in our family (married to my moms sister) from my earliest memories. He was a great power in our family, always with a kind word and a gentle heart. He leaves behind three great kids, my cousins, the youngest of which is only 16 years old. My aunt is a strong wooman but this will be a very difficult time for her and I really feel for her.

My uncle was only 50 years old, just turned actually, this past monday which makes it even more sad and I will sorly miss him.

I don't want to make light of his passing but I must admit that hearing the news last night, after processing, I realize that this journey is more important than ever. I don't want to be 50 years old and leaving my kids behind or my wife for that matter, not that he did mind you, but I have the opportunity to turn my life around before it is too late, and that is just what I plan on doing. The funeral will most likely be this saturday, which will be tough and painful to attend(both mentally and physically) but I will be there for my family.

I was talking to my sister last night after we found out and it just brings back so many memories and emotions from when we lost our father 8 years ago, we really feel for our cousins and aunt and know what they are going through.

I'll miss you uncle Guy, rest in peace.

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