Sunday, November 2, 2008

Just 2 days left!

Well, it's Sunday night, just sittin' around the house today, nothing much happening except oh yeah, 2 freaking days! The day after tomorrow is my PATs, I am getting very excited both for this day and the one that follows 15 days later! I have been trying to drink my 64 oz of water a day lately, and have been doing okay with that, but I don't think I am losing any Weight. I try to eat mostly protein, in fact I bought a sample pack of different items while I was at Barix visiting Mark a couple days ago.
Not sure what my problem is with the protein powders, other than the fact that I am a gagger. No seriously, I have actually seen at the dentist, the hygenist, on her paperwork has "gagger" written on my chart. I just can't get past the idea of the shakes, I haven't tried them or smelled them or anything yet, but I still get the heebie jeebies at the thought of them. That's why this sample pack was kind of cool, it has these protein bullets that have 42g of protein and come in a variety of flavours, the one I got is a fruit punch that by itself is a little extreme and had my lips puckering when I tried it, but it does dilute in water nicely.(Thanks for the idea there Mark!)
So, I am anxiously awaiting my "kick at the can" and hope that the PATs go good and they don't see any reason for me to not have the surgery. All in all it has been a fairly boring weekend, but the week is going to get more exciting!

L8R All

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