Saturday, January 31, 2009

Finally, A New Post. But what to talk about?

So here I am, another Saturday going by and I haven't posted in a while... I actually had someone give me a little crap because of it and so I figured I better get something out...

Well, we all know from my past posts that I have had a stall already and I am in the middle of another one. I haven't lost a whole lot in the past couple of weeks because I have been a little lazy and a lot sick. The horrible cold that is going around made it's way into my house and for the first time I was the one to get it before anyone else. That, I find very annoying because when I get sick I love to blame others for making me this way. Unfortunately for me, this time, they could all put the blame on me. So I was sick for a week and everyone else caught it, then something that I hate happened, I got sick again, right as the last of the kids was getting over their cold, I come down with another one, so that was another week shot.

Because of being sick(that's my story and I'm stickin' to it) I have not been to the gym in over two weeks and at my most sick point my fluid and protein intake was, simply put, dismal.

Now, I have started to get back on track with liquids and protein, although I seem to not be able to get as much in me in a sitting as I could before I got sick.

I know the scale hasn't moved all that much in two weeks but I am still proud of my overall accomplishment so far of 67lbs lost, not to mention that I do see the inches tearing away at a rapid pace. Clothes are more of a pain in the butt than they have ever been for me. I honestly thought it would be fun, and to be truthful maybe it is a little, but it is annoying to wear something one day only to put it on the next and it's just draping off my body... I know, stop your complaining right? Now you sound like my wife:)

Tonight marks the first time my wonderful wife and I get to go out on a date since my surgery. Tonight we are headed to Ceasars Windsor to be in a taping of the new Howie Mandel show called Howie do it. We are both really excited as it should be a really good time, beforehand we are going to go out for dinner somewhere and as usual I hope that there will be something on the menu for me.

I apologize for not updating more regularly and promise to do that as much as possible, although I do head back to work on Monday after being off since November 15th, but will do my best.

Take Care everybody!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yesterday was a fantastic day.... It started out with a trek to London Ontario where a group of people that had never met before gathered at a Montana's restaurant to have lunch together. A family of sorts, people from all walks of life.

This group I am talking about is, of course, our own little Barix support group, 33 people braved the cold and came from as far away as North Bay and Michigan to meet each other and put a face to the screen names we have all been using for the longest time.

I know when I first went to Barix, pre surgery, they told me about this online "forum" and how it was a great support tool and yadda, yadda, yadda and I thought to myself, yeah right. It all sounded kind of sappy actually, the idea that a bunch of people who can't even see each other can help one another... well, let's just say I wasn't "buying into it"

After a few months on these support boards however, I can truly say that I have "met" some great people and learned a lot about obesity and myself. Yesterday proved to me that this group of people, from all walks of life and from all over truly have one thing in common and any differences we have with each other are put aside because of this common bond. This to me is the true definition of family.

The conversations were excellent and some even unexpected, and meeting everyone was truly an exciting experience.

After the lunch, a few people went back to a friends hotel room and stayed to chat for a while longer, these friends were Mark and Colleen. People that I first met at my original consultation back in September and since have become close personal friends with.

Special thanks go out to Jean for organizing the day, to Mark and Colleen for opening their arms to everyone at the lunch and having the kindness in their hearts that they do, to Kelly, for talking about your sons poop in a video:) and for everyone that took the effort and drove from so far away to go and have lunch with a bunch of complete strangers. This is a special group of people, and I love you all.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Docs balk at deciding how fat is too fat for one seat


Last Updated: 10th January 2009, 3:58am

Dr. Robert Ouellet, president of the Canadian Medical Association, said physicians are "disappointed" with a new policy from Air Canada and WestJet that obese or disabled passengers who need an extra seat must have a doctor's note.

"The question of whether or not someone can fit into a specific seat on a specific plane is not a medical question," Ouellet said in a statement.

The CMA has long complained doctors spend too much time on paperwork. For instance, the group is currently negotiating with the Canada Pension Plan to simplify its medical claim forms and increase the fees for completing them.

Requiring a doctor's note to gain an extra seat on a flight "shows a disregard for the issue of scarce medical resources," the group says.

The airlines' decision to require doctors' notes follows a court ruling that carriers make a free extra seat available for the obese or disabled who require it. Airlines have until today to start doing so.

Ouellet said airlines "should not try and pass the buck to physicians over what is essentially a business matter."

WestJet spokesman Robert Palmer did not respond directly to the doctors' concern, but said in an e-mail that the airline had developed its policy "to comply with the Canadian Transportation Agency ruling." An Air Canada spokesman could not be reached

My Comments on the Matter

If a person walks up to the ticket counter it should be plainly obvious if they will need extra accomodation or not. The airlines are using an embarrasing tactic to make it even more difficult for overweight people to travel using airlines. To top it all off, Dr's charge for notes and if you could persuade yours to write one you would then be unduley penalized for being sick.

Part of the problem is in Canada, obeisity is not recognized as a disease, in the US it is. Instead it is recognized as a co-morbitity to other diseases such as sleep apnea, heart disease, cancer, etc.

This move by the airlines is nothing short of discriminatory action as a disabled person does not require a Dr's note if their wheelchair must be accomodated because the ticket agent can see that. Judging by this logic, they should also be able to tell that a severley obese person can not fit into a single seat, so why the discrepency.

At a time when obesity is on the rise and millions of North Americans are afflicted with it, it is very disheartening to see the airlines using these tactics.

That's just my opinion, what do I know?


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6 Week Post Op Visit

Hey everyone,

I was at Barix this morning for my 6 week checkup and everything went really good... I can start eating more things, pretty much whatever I want and just not introduce to many new things at once.

Both Dr. Nunn and Rachel(Nutritionist) were really happy with my progress and said that I am ahead of the game, being that I have lost 25%(56lbs as of this writing) of my excess body weight in just 6 weeks.

It was a good visit, only about 45 minutes or so, but a very encouraging visit nonetheless.

My next appointment(3 month) isn't until the end of February but I have to get my bloodwork done for it, probably next week to make sure it is back from the lab and sent to Barix before the appointment. Sometimes our Canadian testing takes a little longer so the nurse suggested doing my bloodwork at least 4 weeks before the appointments to make sure I have it all.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Just an update

I went back to the gym today and did my usual routine of 2 miles on the treadmill, then decided I was ready for a little more. I spent a little time on a couple of machines that work the inner and outer thighs, then went to the ab machine... Well, lets just say I am not ready for abs yet:) At 6 weeks out I knew the abs would be the tough one to try but I thought, I only have it set to 20lbs, how hard can it be? Evidently, very. I did about 4 crunches when I felt some pain in my side and thought "oh, oh, I better stop". I went on and did some swimming and ab exercises in the water to make sure I didn't herniate myself.

I see Dr. Nunn again on Tuesday for my 6week follow up, so I will check with him about what I can and can't do, although he did tell me at my two week, that anything I felt comfortable with was okay, my body would stop me if it was hurting, and boy did it!

I am fairly exhausted as this has been my first workout since before the holidays and was a little more intense. I am still amazed how high I can get my heart rate before I start to feel winded or anything.

My schedule.... Blah! I am finding it increasingly hard to write stuff down! It makes no sense, it's an easy thing to do, but I just don't remember to do it. I am doing okay keeping track of my water, because it is four water bottles a day and I keep that many on a shelf in the fridge every day and know when I finish them that I have met goal. It's the protein though, I am having a very difficult time with it, but I will keep at it. My wife bought me a small ringed binder(fits in pocket) and a pen that attaches to it so I can keep things written down, hopefully I can make that work.

A friend of mine, David, has set up a blog as well, he is just beginning his journey and like myself wants to help those that are just starting out, it's an interesting read, check it out at David's Blog.
Well, I hope you all are having a great time in 2009,
