Saturday, October 18, 2008

Feeling Better

I'm feeling better today, not so down on myself, the last couple of days have just been hard ones. I find that since I made this decision I have been more emotional than usual and things affect me differently. I would assume that's because it is such a life altering thing that I have committed to and that my mind is just "wrapping" itself around the whole idea.

I do have fears though, don't get me wrong. There are the usual fears about any surgery, the whole not waking up part, but more so, my fears are about whether I can really do it. Some people think that just because you are having Weight Loss surgery, that it will be "easy". I am here to tell you that it is no such thing. First off, you need to be able to put yourself in the position of believing in yourself, and that you really want to change. Then there is the physical part of it all. Once the surgery is done, you have to work hard still, the only thing surgery does for you is lower your appetite. The decisions on what you will eat once it is over and how much is still up to you to make. If you make mistakes and eat the way you did before surgery, you will have problems and probably stretch your pouch and regain Weight. Because knowone says that your new "Pouch"(for you newbs, this is what our new stomach is called) cannot stretch to the size of our old stomach, in fact, it can quite easily if we are not careful.

So, will I eat properly to achieve my goals? It's a question that I have been asking myself since the day I made the decision to make this Journey. I believe in my heart that I can, but every once in a while there is that shadow of a doubt that creeps in, the proverbial "monkey on the back" that must be beaten back to make sure that I/we don't fail. To me, failure cannot be an option, I want this for too many reasons to let that happen.

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