Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As it turns out....

So, as it turns out, I think I am fighting an inner ear infection and that is why my withdrawal seemed so bad and I am planning on visiting my Dr. in the morning for confirmation and hopefully antibiotics to clear it up. (Or so my family, family Dr.(My dear wife,lol) thinks, and after visiting webmd, I tend to agree with her)

I have my PATs in seven days, so I want to clear this up ASAP, I wouldn't want anything holding surgery back, especially something as simple as an infection that can be cleared up rather easily.

So, for today, that's it, I am trying to figure some things out for my blog, I want to add more pictures and have a few sections for other things, but I am limited by what this free blogger from google will allow me to do, I may look into alternatives or at the very least send them off an email asking for some assistance. Till next time, Wayne

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