Friday, December 26, 2008

Another One Bites The Dust

So, it came, we spent, it's over. Another Christmas in the past, seems like only yesterday we were panicking about not having the shopping done.(In actuality it was a few days ago:) )

Alls going well, I have been sick over the holidays a couple of times, but it was my own fault, at least the first time it was. I had a glazed meatball along with my turkey and mashed potatoes... Yup, sugar doesn't like me anymore! The other time though was last night at my mom's place... I had a small portion of turkey, some mashed potatoes and a couple teaspoons of corn(I think the corn was the culprit).

The holidays sure have screwed up my schedule though. I have not been keeping up to the schedule of eating and drinking, but I am getting back on track with it today. It has just been too darned busy to be able to remember to eat and drink as often as we are supposed to.

On a good note, I am down another couple of pounds, so that is good.

Well, I hope everyone had a great Holiday!


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