Wednesday, December 10, 2008

3 weeks gone by

So three weeks have now elapsed since my surgery and I have to tell you, I am feeling happy. My pain levels are very low, the only time I seem to be in pain any more is when I overdo it. I have not started excercising yet but plan to in the next few days.

I am down a total of 32lbs since the morning of my surgery and it is starting to show. I have constant "saggy butt" in my jeans, as my wife calls it and I can now button up my winter coat, which last year I could not.

My eating habits are hard to describe... I would like to say I am eating and drinking exactly as I am told to, but this would be a lie. I am getting most of my water in every day but like yesterday for example, I got about half of my protein goal in for the day. Some days, you just don't want to eat anything and then others I am finding I can get the food down as I am supposed to every 2-3 hours.

I think at this point it is more of a memory thing than anything else. When your body isn't asking for food all the time, you have to remember to give it nourishment on your own. As soon as I get involved in something I forget all about my schedule and before I know it I have not had anything to drink in a couple of hours, setting me back. This whole schedule of eating and drinking is truly the most frustrating part of this journey. I try to keep a log of everything I eat and drink so I can keep track, but honestly, who has time for that all the time? But I am trying my best.

It may sound negative, but I am actually feeling real positive about everything right now and am committed to making it all work.

Bye for now,


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